Philly Young Adults Podcast
Welcome to the Philly Young Adults Podcast. A place where we generate content to encourage spiritual growth. We hope these conversations, testimonies, meditations, scripture readings, and topics help you grow in grace and the knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Philly Young Adults Podcast
What the Lord has Done | Josh & Kayla Wentz
We were grateful that our friends, Josh and Kayla, were available to visit the studio and engage in a conversation with us. We hope and pray that their story will inspire and remind you of the unwavering faithfulness of the Lord Jesus!
We also would like to invite anyone who lives in the Philadelphia area to worship and study God's word with us at our in-person meeting that takes place every-other Monday night at 7:30pm. Visit for additional information about our ministry.
Feel free to message us on instagram (@phillyyoungadultscc) with any feedback, questions, or topics you want to hear about on the podcast or you can shoot an email to