Philly Young Adults Podcast

Bible Study Basics | Joel 1


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Joel 1

This week on the podcast we're starting a three-part series through the book of Joel. We are looking forward to working through this Old Testament book together. "Bible Study Basics" is not an exhaustive study but rather a wider scope look to gather an understanding of what we think the Lord through the inspired authors are communicating to us as the readers. We hope this encourages you to study on your own and we pray this provides you with an example of how to study the Bible. 

We also would like to invite anyone who lives in the Philadelphia area to worship and study God's word with us at our in-person meeting that takes place every-other Monday night at 7:30pm. Visit for additional information about our ministry.

Feel free to message us on instagram (@phillyyoungadultscc) with any feedback, questions, or topics you want to hear about on the podcast or you can shoot an email to

Visit our website here.