Philly Young Adults Podcast
Welcome to the Philly Young Adults Podcast. A place where we generate content to encourage spiritual growth. We hope these conversations, testimonies, meditations, scripture readings, and topics help you grow in grace and the knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Podcasting since 2020 • 229 episodes
Philly Young Adults Podcast
Latest Episodes
The Letters to the Seven Churches | The Corrupt Church
For this week’s podcast, we’ll discuss through the letter addressed to the church of Thyatira found in Revelation 2:18-29. Jesus starts the letter...

The Lord's Purpose will Prosper | Acts 12
We’re continuing our study of the book of Acts at our Monday night large group meetings. This week, Jim delved into Acts 12, where we witness Peter’s imprisonm...

The Letters to the Seven Churches | The Compromising Church
For this week's podcast episode, we're continuing our series through the letters written to the seven churches at the beginning of the book of Revelation. The letter to the third church was located in an Ancient Greek city called Pergamos